今度はPHPでAD連携してみよう MarkDown記法を使って今度はPHPのコードを載せてみるテスト。前回の【C#】C#でActive Directoryを検索してみるサンプルの続きということで、今度はPHPでもAD連携をしてみます。 PHPではPHP自体の設定ファイルphp.ini の以下の場所のコメントを外すと、 …

(Almost) stupid easy PHP integration with Active Directory Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Magium\ActiveDirectory\InvalidRequestException’ with message ‘Do not authenticate if the Active Directory integration is not enabled’ in C:\wamp64\www\magium\vendor\magium\active-directory\src\ActiveDirectory.php on line 154 PHP code to search Windows Active Directory (via LDAP) Following sample PHP code will connect to your local (or remote) Active Directory Domain Controller (LDAP server) and return all object with specified OU: Number of objects found; Common Name; Distinguished Name; Description (if exists) Primary Email Address (if exists) Be aware that LDAP support by default is not installed in PHP.

Oct 19, 2018

PHP: LDAP Functions - Manual 1. copy php_ldap.dll from the extension folder to winnt/system32 2. edit winnt/php.ini so that ldap is enabled (uncomment the line). 3. restart IIS. That's it and have fun with ldap. A note for Microsoft Active Directory 1. You can login with the user email, i.e. user@company.com 2. Integrating Active Directory with PHP - Developer.com Jun 04, 2020

Jun 03, 2020

Goal: Use LDAP and PHP to authenticate with Active Directory Prerequisites: PHP LDAP extension, Working knowledge of PHP Many times in enterprise environments you already have an active directory server and all the users you would ever want to access something have an account there. Single sign-on with Azure AD in PHP - lewisroberts.com Download the sample code for Azure Active Directory and single-sign-on for PHP websites and prepare it for use. Update: 28/08/2016 – I’m aware that the sample code is no longer available, well, the original article isn’t so I assume the same code has also gone to the Recycle Bin.